Tuesday, April 7, 2009

U-Blog 6

I have done the midterm paper on Chapter 7 in the book we used for class. I have learned a lot of different methods used to teach. They were different methods used by people to teach and helped them learned in different ways. Some were best, but some were not as good as other. The best method I would use was using powerpoint or video to teach because some people were physical learning, but some would prefer audio learning so they would stick to plain lecture. People have different ways to learn so thats why there were different methods used to teach.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I completely understand what your saying Chris... The great thing of using an audio visual combination of teaching is you can emphasize what you really want them to put in their notes by putting the important points on the slides. This allows for students to structure their notes or even print out the visual so they have a clean outline.

    For the students who learn from straight lecture, props to them. That method of teaching obviously works for quite a few people but it certainly doesn't for me. The hands on approach i still believe is the best but most expensive(tutoring)
