Tuesday, March 3, 2009

U-Blog 4

I read an article about Top 5 training mistakes. They are pretty good tips to teach us in the future about teaching others in a well-explained way. Mistake number 2 which about tune out the audience is most important mistake according to my opinion because I have been there before in Computer Science 204. The teacher assumes that we have already learn about visual basic which we really do not. He just keep teaching and move on to new lesson or chapter without us understanding them. I have ask him for help on program I was working on. He just keep pointing on screen and move that stuff from one place to other and type in string for that icon without explaining it to me. It is frustating to me so that is why I have dropped that class twice. I have learn from his teaching or training style so for the future, I will not teach like that teacher teaches and will explain better and will ask the class if they got question more often. So that way the class will understand better without getting frustrated.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds frustrating- I had an econ professor who was the same way. Hopefully you can find a 204 teacher who knows how to explain things.
